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Bearport ¡En Espanol!

Series of 47 titles

Diversify your Collection with Spanish! Eight exciting series featuring 76 books for grades preK-3.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: Huracán (Hurricane) Huracán (Hurricane) N/A
Cover: Inundación (Flood) Inundación (Flood) N/A
Cover: Terremoto (Earthquake) Terremoto (Earthquake)
Cover: Tormenta de nieve (Blizzard) Tormenta de nieve (Blizzard) N/A
Cover: Tornado (Tornado) Tornado (Tornado) N/A
Cover: El Sol (The Sun) El Sol (The Sun) 1.4 N/A
Cover: Júpiter (Jupiter) Júpiter (Jupiter) 1.6 N/A
Cover: La Tierra (Earth) La Tierra (Earth) 1.7 N/A
Cover: Marte (Mars) Marte (Mars) 1.4 N/A
Cover: Neptuno (Neptune) Neptuno (Neptune) 1.6 N/A
Cover: Nuestra Luna (Our Moon) Nuestra Luna (Our Moon) 1.6 N/A
Cover: Plutón (Pluto) Plutón (Pluto) 1.5 N/A
Cover: Saturno (Saturn) Saturno (Saturn) 1.9 N/A
Cover: Urano (Uranus) Urano (Uranus) 1.6 N/A
Cover: Venus (Venus) Venus (Venus) 1.6 N/A
Cover: Los colores de la selva tropical (Rain Forest Colors) Los colores de la selva tropical (Rain Forest Colors) N/A
Cover: Mi cuerpo es rayado y parece lleno de hojas (My Body Is Striped and Leafy) Mi cuerpo es rayado y parece lleno de hojas (My Body Is Striped and Leafy) 0.7 N/A
Cover: Mi nariz es larga y peluda (My Nose is Long and Fuzzy) Mi nariz es larga y peluda (My Nose is Long and Fuzzy) 0.8 N/A
Cover: Mi piel tiene bultos y es babosa (My Skin Is Bumpy and Slimy) Mi piel tiene bultos y es babosa (My Skin Is Bumpy and Slimy) 0.8 N/A
Cover: Mis garras son largas y curvas (My Claws Are Large and Curved) Mis garras son largas y curvas (My Claws Are Large and Curved) 0.6 N/A
Cover: Mis patas son largas y fuertes (My Legs Are Long and Strong) Mis patas son largas y fuertes (My Legs Are Long and Strong) 0.6 N/A
Cover: Mi lengua es larga y curva (My Tongue Is Long and Curves) Mi lengua es larga y curva (My Tongue Is Long and Curves) 0.8 N/A
Cover: Mis bigotes son largos y blancos (My Whiskers Are Long and White) Mis bigotes son largos y blancos (My Whiskers Are Long and White) 0.8 N/A
Cover: Bibliotecas pavorosas (Spooky Libraries) Bibliotecas pavorosas (Spooky Libraries) N/A
Cover: Casas fantasmales (Ghost Houses) Casas fantasmales (Ghost Houses)
Cover: Castillos ruinosos (Creaky Castles) Castillos ruinosos (Creaky Castles)
Cover: Cementerios espeluznantes (Chilling Cemeteries) Cementerios espeluznantes (Chilling Cemeteries)
Cover: Hoteles terroríficos (Horror Hotels) Hoteles terroríficos (Horror Hotels)
Cover: Parques de diversiones embrujados (Haunted Amusement Parks) Parques de diversiones embrujados (Haunted Amusement Parks)
Cover: Prisiones abandonadas (Deserted Prisons) Prisiones abandonadas (Deserted Prisons)
Cover: Ciudades deshabitadas (Deserted Cities) Ciudades deshabitadas (Deserted Cities)
Cover: Cuevas fantasmales (Ghost Caves) Cuevas fantasmales (Ghost Caves)
Cover: Escuelas escalofriantes (Creepy Schools) Escuelas escalofriantes (Creepy Schools)
Cover: Morgues mortíferas (Deadly Morgues) Morgues mortíferas (Deadly Morgues)
Cover: Sitios de aterrizaje de extraterrestres (Alien Landing Sites) Sitios de aterrizaje de extraterrestres (Alien Landing Sites)
Cover: Subterráneos oscuros (The Dark Underground) Subterráneos oscuros (The Dark Underground)
Cover: Teatros espectrales (Ghostly Theaters) Teatros espectrales (Ghostly Theaters)
Cover: Tumbas de momias (Mummy Tombs) Tumbas de momias (Mummy Tombs) N/A
Cover: Colombia (Colombia) Colombia (Colombia) N/A
Cover: El Salvador (El Salvador) El Salvador (El Salvador) 3.0 N/A
Cover: México (Mexico) México (Mexico) 3.2 N/A
Cover: Perú (Peru) Perú (Peru)
Cover: Venezuela (Venezuela) Venezuela (Venezuela) 3.1 N/A
Cover: Argentina (Argentina) Argentina (Argentina) 3.4
Cover: Brasil (Brazil) Brasil (Brazil) 3.0
Cover: Canadá (Canada) Canadá (Canada) 2.9
Cover: China (China) China (China) 2.6
Interest Level Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Category Nonfiction
Subject Social Studies
Copyright 2016
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Imprint Bearport Books
Language Spanish
Publication Date 2015-07-01
Dewey 001.942-987
Graphics Full-color illustrations, Full-color photographs
Lexile 80-780
Guided Reading Level I-J
ATOS Reading Level 0.6-3.4
ATOS Interest Level LG
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
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