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Premium Educational Books For Curious Young Readers

¿De dónde viene? (Where Does It Come From?)

Series of 11 titles

What happens to wax before it becomes a crayon? Where are T-shirts made? Discover how everyday items get from the earth, fields, and factories to our homes and stores in this fun series. Real photos show the steps of the cycle or process, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Each book features a comprehensive diagram to illustrate each step. Bright, full-color photographs and photo labels complement the carefully leveled text to make reading for understanding easy and fun. Includes reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: De la flor a la miel (From Flower to Honey) De la flor a la miel (From Flower to Honey) 0.7
Cover: De la vaca al queso (From Cow to Cheese) De la vaca al queso (From Cow to Cheese) 0.8
Cover: Del jardín al pepinillo (From Garden to Pickle) Del jardín al pepinillo (From Garden to Pickle) 1.6
Cover: Del tomate a la pizza (From Vine to Pizza) Del tomate a la pizza (From Vine to Pizza) 1.1
Cover: Del trigo al pan (From Wheat to Bread) Del trigo al pan (From Wheat to Bread) 1.1
Cover: De la arena al vidrio (From Sand to Glass) De la arena al vidrio (From Sand to Glass) 1.3
Cover: De la cera al crayón (From Wax to Crayon) De la cera al crayón (From Wax to Crayon) 1.0
Cover: Del algodón a la camiseta (From Cotton to T-Shirt) Del algodón a la camiseta (From Cotton to T-Shirt) 1.3
Cover: De la oveja al calcetín (From Sheep to Sock) De la oveja al calcetín (From Sheep to Sock) 1.3
Cover: Del árbol al papel (From Tree to Paper) Del árbol al papel (From Tree to Paper) 0.8
Cover: Del metal a la bicicleta (From Metal to Bicycle) Del metal a la bicicleta (From Metal to Bicycle) 0.9
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Kindergarten
Category Beginning Readers
Subject Social Studies
Copyright 2022
Publisher Jump!
Imprint Bullfrog Books
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 24
Publication Date 2021-08-01
Dewey 635-641.81
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 7.75 x 7.75
Lexile 80-210
Guided Reading Level F
ATOS Reading Level 0.7-1.6
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5


¿De dónde viene? (Where Does It Come From?) - Reviewed by School Library Journal

This series is perfect for kids who have ever wondered where their socks come from or how bicycles are made. The origins of socks, bicycles, crayons, paper, glass housewares, and clothing are presented through large color photos, fast facts, and simple diagrams. Some pages include both text and pictures, while others only include a photo and a simple diagram. Most of the books are about 25 pages in length, making this series ideal for slightly more advanced readers in first and second grade. Another thing that makes these books slightly more advanced is the longer sentences, blocks of color behind the text instead of white space, page numbers, and a table of contents. These books are great for readers who are transitioning from reading with a caregiver to reading independently, but also make a great choice for bilingual group read-alouds. VERDICT A versatile choice for daycares, ECE classrooms, and public and school libraries.

¿De dónde viene? (Where Does It Come From) - Reviewed by School Library Journal

This series explains how commodities (honey, jam, cheese, pickles, pizza, and bread) are made. The titles feature a clever combination of infographics, colorful fonts and accents, and photo glossaries. Del jardín al pepinillo (From Garden to Pickle) makes this series stand out: Basic gardening principles are woven into the pickle-making process, which will appeal to readers who want or have their own gardens at home. Each book offers opportunities to learn more by using the publisher’s online content, which creates further connections between child, book, and caregiver. VERDICT Children and caregivers will be motivated to try making some of these delicious foods at home. Fun, fascinating books that are ideal for browsing.

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