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Premium Educational Books For Curious Young Readers


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Cover: America's Animal Comebacks

America's Animal Comebacks

The America’s Animal Comebacks series provides narrative nonfiction at a basic level for elementary students and reluctant readers in middle school. The goal of the series is to build enthusiasm for science reading. Each book features about 100 words per double-paged spread, a fact View →

Cover: America's Animal Comebacks

America's Animal Comebacks

The America’s Animal Comebacks series provides narrative nonfiction at a basic level for elementary students and reluctant readers in middle school. The goal of the series is to build enthusiasm for science reading. Each book features about 100 words per double-paged spread, a fact View →

Cover: America's Animal Comebacks

America's Animal Comebacks

Using glossy close-up photographs and accessible text, these books offer readers a clear chronicle of the animals’ struggles and successes. Authors clearly outline the threats and what humans have done to help (after, in many cases, causing the problem). Readers studying… View →

Cover: I Love Reading: Dino World

I Love Reading: Dino World

This emergent-reader series covers the physical and behavioral characteristics, habitats, and diets of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Facts are presented concisely in three to five sentences on most spreads. Pronunciations, along with clear textual and visual comparisons… View →

Cover: Super Bowl Superstars

The Horn Book Guide Review for Super Bowl Superstars

This series highlights Super Bowl MVPs. Each title provides a synopsis of the athlete’s story, from childhood through college to Super Bowl glory. Large glossy photographs will draw readers into the action. View →

Cover: No Backbone! The World of Invertebrates

Library Media Connection Review for No Backbone! Marine

Who knew that having no backbone could be so fascinating and beautiful? This series presents underwater creatures in a way that makes you feel like you’re snorkeling. Photographs cover an entire two-page spread and conversation bubbles and concise, yet factual, information about… View →

Cover: I Love Reading: Dino World

I Love Reading: Dino World

This fantastic series is sure to please every dinophile! Each text is well organized and written in clear, concise language, covering different aspects of dinosaurs. Basic information for each type of dinosaur is presented in large font. Pronunciation assistance is given in captions. The View →

Cover: John Elway and the Denver Broncos

John Elway and the Denver Broncos

Elway’s personal reflection about several losses before finally winning the Super Bowl combines with the simple text, fact boxes and bright photos for an interesting read. In this series, football fans meet quarterbacks and other key players of Super Bowl’s winning… View →

Cover: America's Animal Comebacks

America's Animal Comebacks

Vibrant pictures and a child-friendly layout make this series a wonderful addition to any elementary school library. The series focuses on animals that were once considered extinct and are now “back.” The facts are beautifully laid out. Each page contains one or more… View →

Cover: John Elway and the Denver Broncos

John Elway and the Denver Broncos

Elway’s personal reflection about several losses before finally winning the Super Bowl combines with the simple text, fact boxes and bright photos for an interesting read. In this series, football fans meet quarterbacks and other key players of Super Bowl’s winning… View →

Cover: America's Animal Comebacks

America's Animal Comebacks

These books feature animals that were on the brink of extinction and explain what caused their decline and the efforts taken to increase their populations, including protecting them from predators and the environmental poisons and pollutions that threaten their survival. Full-color… View →

Cover: Manny Ramirez and the Boston Red Sox

Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez and the Boston Red Sox is a beautiful production. Chock-full of vivid photos, it features several easy-to-read paragraphs on each page spread, as well as information nuggets displayed in text boxes adjacent to the photos… Recommended for early elementary school-age… View →

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