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Premium Educational Books For Curious Young Readers

Earth in Danger

From the threat posed by climate change to the promise of renewable energy and the “green movement,” Earth in Danger explores the environmental issues that kids see in the news every day. Each title explains a high-interest topic in clear, simple text that students can easily understand. Large, full-color photos and fascinating “Fact Boxes” on every two-page spread further engage young environmentalists as they learn about the current efforts to reverse the threats to their planet—and find out what they can do to help.

Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 4
Category Nonfiction
Copyright 2009
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Imprint Bearport Books
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2008-08-01
Reading Counts! Level 5.3-6.4
Reading Counts! Points 3.0
Dewey 551.6-640
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 8 x 10
Lexile 910-990
ATOS Reading Level 5.6-5.9
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5


Earth in Danger

Any teacher, media specialist, or student who is looking for more information to reduce their carbon footprint will enjoy this series. Clear and concise language defines the topic, the layout is crisp, and the photographs are dramatic. Graphic aids are abundant and increase the understanding of the text. Included are facts about the issue, how to help, and a read more title section. There is also a place to learn more online via the publisher’s Web site. Each book in this series is not dependent upon the other titles, but they do complement one other. Teachers, media specialists, and students looking for ways to be more ‘green’ will welcome these titles, which will be a solid addition to any elementary media center. Recommended.

Earth in Danger

Any teacher, media specialist, or student who is looking for more information to reduce their carbon footprint will enjoy this series. Clear and concise language defines the topic, the layout is crisp, and the photographs are dramatic. Graphic aids are abundant and increase the understanding of the text. Included are facts about the issue, how to help, and a read more title section. There is also a place to learn more online via the publisher’s Web site. Each book in this series is not dependent upon the other titles, but they do complement one other. Teachers, media specialists, and students looking for ways to be more ‘green’ will welcome these titles, which will be a solid addition to any elementary media center. Recommended.

Earth in Danger

This series covers green living and environmental policy for children. Each book tackles a different problem, defining the issue using lucid, easy-to-read (though occasionally preachy) text and clear stock photographs. Appended “Just the Facts” and “How to Help” sections give suggestions (of varying degrees of originality) for what kids can do to help protect the planet.

Earth in Danger

The Earth in Danger series of easy-to-read, 32-page books is a valuable resource for teachers and students. Each of the six books is packed with information that clearly explains a particular topic. By reading these books independently or in small groups, students will discover that they can really understand the specific topics. Graphic elements like many photos and diagrams will help them learn new ideas. Each topic is explored scientifically with concept words printed in bold, and a glossary provides a definition for each bolded word.Individually, or as a class set, this series is an amazing, useful resource. By learning the new science in each area and following the author’s suggestions, students will be prepared to make better decisions and ultimately can improve the quality of all our lives.

Earth in Danger

Each of the first 20 pages of each book features a large photo on a full spread, with related text next to or superimposed on the striking visual. Smaller photos, maps, and text boxes add information, but since the topic changes with every page turn, coverage is necessarily basic and simplified. For example, Energy talks about “clean” coal, wind, wave, solar, and nuclear power, plus biomass, “one of the best renewable energy sources for the future.” The final pages in the volumes appear aimed at the older age range, with smaller, denser, colored type presenting case studies, offering suggestions for action, and providing additional background and facts. The introductory overview would work with small groups, while better readers could delve deeper into a topic by concentrating on the remaining pages.

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