Baby Wolves
From the Series Super Cute!
Wolf pups look soft and sweet, but they have a true competitive edge. They need this to fight for their place in the pack and achieve hunting success later in life. The playful pups wrestling inside this book are having fun, but they are also in training. Open the cover to cheer them on!
Interest Level | Kindergarten - Grade 3 |
Reading Level | Grade 1 |
Category | Leveled Readers |
Subject | Animals |
Copyright | 2014 |
Publisher | Bellwether Media |
Imprint | Blastoff! Readers |
Blastoff! Readers Level | 1 |
Language | English |
Number of Pages | 24 |
Publication Date | 2013-08-01 |
Reading Counts! Level | 2.3 |
Reading Counts! Quiz | Q61492 |
Reading Counts! Points | 1.0 |
BISACS | JNF003330 |
Dewey | 599.773 |
Graphics | Full-color photographs |
Dimensions | 6.5 x 9 x 0.25 |
Lexile | 390 |
Guided Reading Level | G |
ATOS Reading Level | 1.3 |
Accelerated Reader® Quiz | 162623 |
Accelerated Reader® Points | 0.5 |