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Premium Educational Books For Curious Young Readers


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Cover: Blueberry

Booklist Review of Blueberry

Well designed for beginning readers and for reading aloud to younger children, books in the See a Plant Grow! series (8 titles) encourage viewers to look closely at changes in the plants… This title opens with an illustrated list of six terms (berries, buds, closed, leaves, o View →

Cover: Bearcub Bios Set Three

SLJ Review of Bearcub Bios Set Three

An eclectic mix of famous people are the subjects of these basic beginner biographies for the youngest readers. Facts presented to readers include Amanda ­Gorman, who was the first top youth poet in the United States; Eva Longoria, an ­actor who helps people with disabilities; and… View →

Cover: First Routines

SLJ Review of First Routines

From breakfast to bedtime, these daily activities that children go through are explained with easy to ­understand sentences and photographs of children taking charge of their… For early readers who are starting to develop their vocabulary, the task specific words highlighte View →

Cover: Regions of the United States

SLJ Review of Regions of the United States

A short series about the various regions of the United States. The books open with ideas for educators and caregivers for before, during, and after reading followed by a table of contents with three to four chapters of varying… Each region’s history, location, geography, wi View →

Cover: Construction Zone

SLJ Review of Construction Zone

This addition to the imprint is ideal for readers who love big construction site behemoths. Bright, vivid photos illustrate the basic text, allowing readers to use context clues to decipher more difficult… Images of bright orange mixers pouring concrete and rollers smoothing View →

Cover: Six Days Alone!

Booklist Review of Six Days Alone!: Forest Survivor

A dramatization based on true events, this entry in the Limits of Survival series (6 titles) follows Yang Chen, a student from China studying in Australia, who goes hiking to see the country’s beautiful Gorge… After a strenuous, muddy hike, Yang decides to rest while he View →

Cover: Filibuster

Booklist Review of Filibuster

This brief book packs in a tremendous amount of straightforward, accessible information about filibusters. Two lines of informational text flow throughout the pages. One offers four or five enlarged-font sentences that explain definitions and basic applications, with vocabulary words… View →

Cover: Filibuster

Booklist Review of Filibuster

This brief book packs in a tremendous amount of straightforward, accessible information about filibusters. Two lines of informational text flow throughout the… One offers four or five enlarged-font sentences that explain definitions and basic applications, with vocabulary wor View →

Cover: See a Plant Grow!

SLJ Review of See A Plant Grow!

Showing the transformative visuals from seed to flower to fruit, these reader styled titles seek to introduce early readers to the growth cycles of familiar plants using simple language and vibrant… Vocabulary is presented at the front and back of each title with photog View →

Cover: Six Days Alone!

Booklist Review of Six Days Alone!: Forest Survivor

A dramatization based on true events, this entry in the Limits of Survival series (6 titles) follows Yang Chen, a student from China studying in Australia, who goes hiking to see the country’s beautiful Gorge Falls. After a strenuous, muddy hike, Yang decides to rest while her… View →

Cover: Explore the West

Booklist Review of Explore the West

The U.S. is vast and varied, and here readers are offered a succinct snapshot of the American West. The book opens with a rapid historical overview that touches on the West’s original Indigenous inhabitants, the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and California Gold… View →

Cover: Eco Journeys

SLJ Review of Eco Journeys

Each of the four books in this series follows an item (piece of paper, glass jar, plastic bottle, and soda can) through its creation, usage, disposal, recycling process, and… The descriptions and details are easy to understand and provide just the right amount of information View →

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