Editorial Review
Booklist Review of Thanksgiving

Starting with a quick version of the traditional story of the origins of Thanksgiving (with a glancing nod to contemporary Indigenous people’s alternate gathering to “remember those who died after colonists arrived”), this Holiday History series (7 titles) volume still manages to offer a few twists.
Many books focus only on the first Thanksgiving or on modern celebrations, but Spanier takes a broader approach. She traces the holiday’s history from its colonial origins through its establishment in the 1860s until the present—complete with turkey, parades, and football. The book also offers several examples of related holidays in India, Canada, and Japan.
Colorful stock photos, infographics, informational sidebars, and critical-thinking questions assist with reading comprehension and engagement. Although not as nuanced as some titles, this useful reference goes beyond the basics.
—Miriam Aronin