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Premium Educational Books For Curious Young Readers

Editorial Review

Educator Review of The World of Dinosaurs - Pachycephalosaurus

Cover: Pachycephalosaurus

The “World of Dinosaurs” is a set of 22 books that presents the latest information on not only the well-known creatures, but also some of the lesser known (or more recently known) representatives of this group. This high/low series is packed full of information in the form of graphics, including size charts, timelines and labeled maps and illustrations. Text passages are accessible and bolded words are defined in the glossary. Typical nonfiction features include: table of contents, glossary, index, labeled illustrations and more. The best part of these books is the “Get to Know the (insert dinosaur)” near the end of book. This two page spread puts all the relevant information into an easy-to-read, attractive layout. This series is going to be very popular among your dinosaur-loving patrons. It’s actually a perfect book not only for the high/low target audience of grades 3-7; younger students will love delving into the world of dinosaurs in these books as well. Pachycephalosaurus describes the dome-headed dinosaur that roamed North America during the Cretaceous Period. Scientists used to think that this dinosaur used its thick skull for head-butting. But, scientists have now determined that the domes on their skulls weren’t strong enough for this. We learn more about these interesting dinosaurs as new fossils are found. Budding paleontologists will love learning about this herbivore.

—Candy Ranney

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