Editorial Review
X-Treme Disasters

Since tsunamis made the headlines in late 2004, students have been clamoring for books on natural disasters. This series, which covers an historic blizzard, tsunami, earthquake, tornado, wild fire, and the Dust Bowl, would be appropriate for children eight years and older. The layout of the pages is child friendly with authentic photographs; some of the books set up the photographs as a photo album. Some of the photographs are b&w, while others are in color, depending on the time period discussed. These pictures definitely add to the text and clarify it. The borders enhance the text and overall presentation of the information. There is a fact bar included on alternate pages and maps indicating where the disaster occurs. Each book in this series is well organized and clear. The authors begin each book with a person who is about to personally experience the disaster. They then proceed to explain what causes it, along with a clear diagram and simple language. This series presents an in-depth examination of each disaster presented. Students will find this series easy to navigate and will gain a thorough understanding of each disaster discussed. The authors include a Read More section and user-friendly Web sites. This series is a must for all libraries. Glossary. Index. Recommended.