Editorial Review
Castles, Palaces, & Tombs

Each book in this high interest series features a famous castle or palace such as the Taj Mahal, Versailles, Himeji in Japan, Neuschwanstein in Bavaria, and Windsor Castle; its country; and the history of those who built them. Large color photos, maps, and diagrams enhance the text, written like a story. Little fact boxes on each page give readers even more information. For example, Castle Dracula: Romania’s Vampire Home tells readers that most people in the middle ages died before they were 35 years old, and that Prince Vlad impaled his enemies on poles. The interesting and sometimes gruesome lives of the rulers who built these castles are highlighted as the story of the castle or palace construction unfolds. Each book makes the reader feel like he has just had a tour of the castle and has enough information at the end of the book to further explore more information. A facts section, glossary, index, and online information sites are included. This set of books would be checked out often for social studies units and the lower level of readability would make this an attractive series to multi-age levels. Recommended.